How it Works
Enter Your Postcode
Enter your postcode & preferences to find available Driving Instructors in your area.
Chat to Instructors
Start a conversation with your favorite local driving instructors.
Add Student
Invite your teen, decide on Instructor & help manage their bookings.
The Benefits
Save Time
Compare, find and book your preferred instructor all in one place.
Lesson Reminders
Never miss a lesson again, with the help of our push notifications and SMS reminders.
Friends & Family can now help Yoo fund your driving lessons!
Multiple Bookings
Manage multiple bookings, with our diary and student booking system.
Your in Charge
Manage your budget, gift lessons and see historical lessons.
Plan & Share
You can book in advance, structuring learning around their hectic everyday lives!
Satisfaction Guaranteed
If you’re not satisfied, you won’t pay for your lesson.
Cashless Payments
Pay for lessons via our secure payment gateway.
First Hand Reviews
Research and make an informed decision by using our instructor reviews.
YooDrive is a new online platform that helps the public match and book driving lessons with available, rated, local driving instructors.
Yoodrive finds the best driving instructors in your area and brings them to you all in one place.
Compare – Message – Book – Pass Test.
A stringent vetting process is in place at YooDrive with regards to the Instructors that you see to allay any fears you may have with regards to their credibility, professionalism and/or performance.
We check them out, so you don’t have to!
We wish to ensure that you have an outstanding experience with YooDrive and for your child to meet all the standards needed in order to pass the driving test & remain safe on the road.
Our Customer Support Team is always on hand to help with any queries/issues you may have.
We will contact you from time to time to make sure your happy with the service you receive from our team and your chosen instructor.
You can contact our Customer Support Team by phone on 0141 319 5995 between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday.
If you would like to email us, you can do so at
You can also contact us through our contact page.First, Yoo have to be accepted or invited by an instructor.
Upon acceptance & for your first lessons, you will be requested to add money to your balance in order to show commitment with your matched Driving Instructor.
Further bookings are deducted from your payment card/balance after each lesson.
Yes, you can add up to 6 students to your parent account.
To do this, simply send an invite from your dashboard & we will take care of the rest. .
Upon sign up, each student can interact and take lessons with different instructors simultaneously.
Each will also have their own account balance, created from any crowdfund requests from their own account or from any gift vouchers they may have received.
With the cost of driving lessons having been on the increase recently due to the pandemic & the subsequent rise in inflation, we thought we would make life a little easier for Yoo.
YooDrive’s revolutionary crowdfund lessons facility, helps students and parents spread the cost of funding amongst extended family & friends, lessening the financial burden on sometimes you alone.
From your child’s 16th birthday, they can now place these gifts within a dedicated learn to drive platform.
That means come 17 and with new knowledge, they will be more than ready to start the ‘coming of age’ that is learning to drive.
Yoodrive is designed to assist your son or daughter in all things in order to pass all the UK driving tests required in the safest & shortest time possible.
“Luck, is when preparation meets opportunity”
Some of our Driving Instructors do offer crash courses (space in diary permitting).
Where YooDrive differs from other online companies offering courses is that you deal direct with the instructor of your choosing, No waiting!
Deal Direct & Save!
YooDrive’s donation facility, helps students and parents spread the cost of funding amongst extended family & friends, lessening the financial burden.