Real Reviews, No Moderation

Reviews on YooDrive are written by students and parents who have created a free YooDrive account and follow our Guidelines for Reviewers. Accounts must always be connected to an email address so we can get in touch for account and service related issues.

Driving Instructors Learn, to do better. Experience the power of reviews. Listen to customer needs & take action to improve training standards. Learn more by collaborating within our instructor community. Build your online business for free using only your reputation.

Being Open

YooDrive was created in 2022 as an open review platform that sits between all UK Driving Instructors and the public, this empowers both by enabling collaboration. We allow anyone to post a review, this prevents micro-businesses from moderating what consumers read.
We publish all reviews without moderation.

Who owns Reviews?

We consider reviews to be user-generated content owned by the author, they are the only one who can edit or delete their reviews. This can be done through their account.

We keep reviews for as long as the user has a YooDrive account. When a user deletes their account, all of their reviews are also permanently deleted. This is outlined in the ‘How long do we store your personal data?’ section of our Privacy Policy.

Fighting fake Reviews

Every review on YooDrive is screened by automated fraud detection software to identify and remove fakes.

Whenever our software detects clearly fraudulent reviews, the review is moved offline and we send an email to notify the reviewer. This provides reviewers with an opportunity to correct any falsehood. If we have overwhelming evidence that the review is fake, we won’t reinstate it.
How we safeguard our platform.

Our business model

YooDrive operates what’s commonly called a ‘Freemium’ business model.

Every Approved Driving Instructor across the UK is invited to access the platform to receive reviews, respond to reviews, create a business profile, add photos and prices, access resources, receive and filter new inquiries, and accept and chat with new students, free of charge.

Yoodrive makes revenue to stay in operation from small commissions on any bookings created by instructors using YooDrive.

Students will never pay more than the hourly rate price the driving instructor chooses to publish.